Hi, I am Martina Pignatone

I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.

After a Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology and a Master in Novel Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders, I realized nothing I had tried had worked for my recurring Depression, if anything it was getting worse. At the same time, I was also physically deteriorating and ended up developing Chronic Fatigue. After becoming nearly bedbound at age 23, I started frantically looking for answers during the short bouts in between the migraines and brain fog. It took me one full year of darkness before I stumbled onto the GAPS diet, which together with an animal-based approach gave me my life back. To my surprise, my depression also lifted slowly after changing my diet. After two degrees I had found the key where I least expected it.

And here I am! I decided to put all that I had learned while trying to get out of bed to help others who are suffering from physical and psychological symptoms. I am now so excited to utilise Nutrition to help others restore their optimal physical and mental health.

  • Nutritional Therapy Association

    The Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Program


    I am a certified in Functional Nutritional Therapy. Nutritional Therapy uses a foundational holistic approach to Nutrition, while honoring the bio-individuality of our bodies. The NTP program teaches specific tools for managing clients health concerns and helping them thrive though ancestral nutrition practices and lifestyle modification.

  • Qualification Bachelor of Science in Psychology Erasmus University

    Bachelor of Science in Psychology


    This course taught me about psychological symptoms and disorders as well as their treatment options. It also made me proficient in interpreting scientific studies as well writing them. Statistical analysis and interpretation is extremely important in the world of Nutrition as new research is always coming out.

  • Master in third generation Therapies

    Master in third generation Therapies


    This Master gave me the knowledge on the latest treatments developed for Psychiatric Disorders such as Augmented Reality, EMDR, Nutritional Therapies and the use of Mindfullness Based Stress Reduction. It also highlighted the role of Nutrition and Sleep.

My story with Chronic Illness.

I struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Major Depression as well as a bunch of random symptoms like chronic UTIs, Trichotillomania, Anxiety, Migraines with Aura and numbness of my hands, Asthma and horrible seasonal allergies.

  • I went to different GPs, A gastroenterologist, two allergy specialists, and did specialists visit. Nothing helped until I stumbled on the concept of Histamine Intolerance

  • I was diagnosed with Histamine Intolerance (HIT) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) as well as Major Depression and Trichotillomania.

    CFS meant that I was unable to work or study and was in bed for most of the day, with debilitating brain fog and sensory issues. I had post-exertional malaise, meaning that any type of exercise would leave me feeling worse afterwards.

    The Histamine intolerance manifested as food intolerances, painful bloating and feeling worse after meals as well as during pollen season. I had to sleep after every meal to deal with headaches, tachycardia and dizziness. My eyes would swell and my depression would get more intense.

    Finally, trichotillomania meant feeling this incredibly strong urge to pick on my skin or pull my body hair with tweezers for hours on end.

  • I started to get better by following the GAPS nutritional protocol. Which focuses on gut healing. The pillars are broth, animal protein and fats, fruit and fermented foods. The protocol also requires the temporary elimination of grains, refined sugar and seed oils to allow the microbiome to recover.

  • Regarding chronic fatigue (CFS) I am now living a normal life, I am able to work, read and even hike on weekends. I still get some bouts of fatigue but they are MUCH more manageable. Meaning that I simply need to slow down and rest a bit more.

    Histamine Intolerance, I can now tolerate foods like cheese, honey and fish that used to give me terrible bloating (I would look 6 months pregnant), brain fog and headaches.
    And I no longer feel worse after meals or exercise!

    Depression is gone, of course I still have days where I am sad or in a bad mood but it is nowhere near the hopeless feelings I used to have on a daily basis. I used to struggle to get out of bed, feeling no motivation or pleasure from socialising or from my hobbies. I would be asking myself why should I even do anything, feeling no meaning or purpose.

Even though most of my symptoms were invisible, my face was swollen and I was clearly not having a great time.

I now feel and look much healthier, when I look in the mirror I no longer see someone who looks sick and exhausted.


Assessing your specific needs

Each person has different goals, some simply want to be healthy, some want to get fitter, some have specific issues such as intolerances, allergies, digestive or mood symptoms or illneses to manage.

It all starts with assessing the client’s own goals and needs.

Creating a tailored plan

My plans are tailored to your priorities, resources and preferences. There is no point in a perfect plan if you cannot stick to it. This allows small lifestyle or dietary changes to have big effects.

Adjusting the strategies

Whilst an a health journey your needs will change. This is why follow ups are used to adjust the plan, based on what has been working and your new priorities. Ongoing support is also offered.

What is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner?

A Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) is trained to assess the unique needs of a person and customize a nutrient-dense plan to nourish and support them in reaching their health goals.

NTPs use nutrition holistically using individualised recommendations. NTPs are trained to assess and support the foundations of a healthy human body: blood sugar regulation, digestion, fatty acids, minerals, hydration, stress management, movement and sleep optimization.

A Nutrition Therapy Practitioner (NTP) is certified by the Nutrition Therapy Association (NTA) in the US and by the British Association of Nutritional Therapists (BANT) UK.