The ultimate hack for saving money on probiotics

Probiotics can be extremely expensive and it can be quite overwhelming to know which brands to pick.

What if there was a way to avoid paying and not have to worry about which kind?

Well, Kefir is your answer.

Kefir is a fermented product which looks and tastes similar to yogurt.

The main difference is that while Yogurt is made with 3 or 4 probiotic strains, Kefir contains around 13.

In fact, yogurt contains about 50 million CFUs of probiotics, but the kefir plant contains up to 10 billion CFUs.

It is also extremely easy to make.

In order to make the first batch you need to find someone with the grains, or buy them online.

Then after making the first batch, you can simply add a couple of spoonfuls to some milk to get more!

Here’s the recipe:

Put the already-made kefir in the 1 liter glass jar, add whole milk to cover it while being careful not to fill the jar to the hem. Make sure to leave 1/3 of the jar free, as the fermentation needs oxygen. Otherwise, just make sure not to seal the jar shut with the lid. You can instead use a cotton tablecloth and an elastic.

To ferment it needs to be at room temperature: the ideal temperature is around 20° C.

Then you simply wait till the next day or until when the consistency changes from liquid to a yogurt-like consistency. If too much time passes, the white part will start to separate from the serum but you can just mix them.

Fermentation of kefir can last from 24 to 48 hours, during this time it should be kept away from heat sources and temperature changes. If you prefer a kefir with a less acidic taste, you will have to separate the whey from the milk.

Quantity: 2 tablespoons of kefir already fermented per 1 liter of milk. Or 1 tablespoon for half a liter.

P.S. Do not use metal utensils for the preparation: kefir is an acidic food meaning that it can absorb some substances contained in metals. The advice is therefore to use a glass jar and a wooden spoon.

There you have it! The cheapest probiotic you’ll ever and find and most delicious by a long shot.

I like mine with some raw honey and fruit.


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